Reports Last Database and Stock

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Reports Last Database and Stock

Post by delwar70 »

The more bad the market is and the weaker the growth. The easier it is for everyone to focus on growth. For example. The theory of "growth hacking" was born as early as 2010. But it was Last Database only paid attention to by the industry in 2015. When the economic downturn and weak industry growth. According to Figure 1 - Baidu search index trend. It can be found that the popularity of "growth hacking. Really emerged in China in early July 2015. After searching, it was found that the hottest landmark. Event at that time was the publication Last Database of Fan Bing's "growth hacking" book. In June-July 2015, it was also the month when the domestic stock market fell from bulls to bears.

In 2015, my country's GDP growth rate also broke "7" for the first time. And the growth rate fell from 7.30% in 2014 to 6.91%. The time has come to July 2019. The first anniversary of the listing of Last Database the author's company in Hong Kong stocks. And it is also the author's third year in this company. Comparing before and after the listing, on the one hand. I feel that the company's popularity has become greater. On the other hand. Due to the pressure of financial reports and stock prices. The company has Last Database become more "anxious" and eager for quick success. And everyone is more concerned about "growth". Looking back on the year it was listed. Most of the product operation team focused on growth.


The old business lines were busy stabilizing. Stock and reducing costs to make profits. And the innovative business lines were busy accessing. New products and expanding the user base. However, when Last Database seeking growth against the market in a bear market. It is easy to formulate an unrealistic "leap forward" goal. At the same time. The industry is also affected by policy regulation. The result of the final growth can be imagined, or Last Database the short-term stimulation. Can support users Or a "false boom" in revenue. Or collective frustration after missing the mark. Standing on the node of the first anniversary of the listing.
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