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Dyk with Advanceacademy bg Article

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:45 am
by pahar2022
Do you sit at a desk most of the day? Do the work days seem to go by without much activity of any kind? No, mouse clicks don't count. If you're like most people who work in an office (or home office), you may be so engrossed in your work that you barely move all day. You know that moving throughout the day is essential to good health, but you just can't find the time to fit a little movement into your busy day. Sitting for hours at work seems to have become the norm these days. In our sedentary work environment, employees are often chained to their desks to work on a computer or take calls from. Whether you work for an employer or work from home, a sedentary lifestyle is a recipe for poor health. Thanks to technology, we can deal with this serious problem because there are apps and browser extensions that send reminders to pay more attention to our posture or inform us that it's time to move.

That's why today in Advance Academy's Do You Know column, we've compiled a list of apps to help you move more at work: Break Time (iOS) Do you tend to sit for long periods of time without taking breaks? Then a simple app like Break Time might be just what you need to get up and moving. Allows you to set alarms at desired intervals to remind you to take a break from sitting. StandApp (IOS) StandApp Sri Lanka Phone Number List includes an alarm reminder to get up and step away from the desk. Along with reminders, it includes simple exercises you can do at your desk during your break. Randomly RemindMe (Android) Do you have trouble remembering to do certain things during the day? Maybe you want to drink more water, go for a walk, or something else. If you are trying to form a habit or break one, this app helps with just that.


You can set several personalized reminders to help you on your way to better habits. Awareness (Mac, Windows) The application tracks the amount of activity on your computer and helps you to be aware of how long you have been working on the computer. You set a timer, and once that time is up, you hear a tone telling you it's time to back off. The app links to the company's website, which offers ideas for vacation activities. EyeLeo (Windows) This app sends you a reminder that it's time for your eyes to rest from sitting in front of a screen for a long time. It dims your screen and offers eye exercise. It also disables the monitor for your chosen period of time to give your eyes an extended rest. Mobile applications have made our lives easier to a great extent and help us do some of our tasks faster and better. Creating mobile apps is a very useful skill and that's why we at Advance Academy teach youngsters how to do it in our courses - Mobile App Programming.